This blog is set up to record our adventure as we travel North America in our 5th wheel. We just retired this year and are staying at Wildwood Rv and Golf Resort.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Liard River Hotsprings Provincial Park, British Columbia

A favorite stop for Alaska Highway travelers. A short walk leads to the hot springs. The boardwalk trail crosses a wetlands environment that supports more than 250 borel forest plants , including 14 orchid species and 14 plants that survive at this latitude because of the hot springs. There are two hot spring pools with water temperatures ranging 108 degrees to 126 degrees F/ 42 degrees to 52 degrees C. Nearer is the Alpha pool with a children's wading area. Beyond the Alpha pool is the Beta pool, which is larger and deeper .

We stayed there 2 days and 3 nights and we took advantage of the hot springs. First day we went twice and were like wet noodles. After that we took it easy. We were really felt relaxed after spending time in the hot springs.

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