This blog is set up to record our adventure as we travel North America in our 5th wheel. We just retired this year and are staying at Wildwood Rv and Golf Resort.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Dawson City, Yukon

Dawson City is like being transformed back into time. The building are still like they were in the old west. Sidewalks are board walks instead of concrete , streets still are dirt roads(not paved). Dawson City is located 165 miles from Arctic Circle on the Yukon River at the junction with the Klondike River. Population 1,876. Dawson City was declared a national historic site in early 1960's. Many buildings have been restored, some reconstructed and other stabilized. The top pictured is one that Parks Canada has stabilized to show what perma frost does to

buildings over a period of time .

crossing Fraser River into Dawson City, Yukon

At the end of our journey on the Top of the World Highway, we came to Fraser River and the only way across was on George Black ferry. At 11 o'clock in the evening the sun was shining brightly as mid day.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Top of the world and the Top of the World Highway

This is the top of the world.

This also top of the world


Top of the world highway connects Dawson City, Yukon to Tok, Alaska.
On the Alaska side, the highway is gravel from the border to Chicken, Alaska. Top of the World Highway is narrow, winding road. There are no guard rails. Some steep grades and some soft shoulders. But what great views and scenery. The road between Chicken to the border is also referred to as the "goat trail." We were told various reasons why we shouldn't go on the Top of the World Highway with our 5th wheel. But, all proved

to be wrong and the trip was well worth it. As any unmaintained road one must use wisdom and travel at a slower speed.

Flowers of Alaska

Alaska is very colorful with various types of flowers. Lupines cover hill sides, along roadsides and vacant lots as well as the fire weed flowers. In Denali State Park there are various alpine type flowers.