Spending the Holiday season here in Florida is an experience. We have been in shorts most of the time and the weather has been in the 80F plus. On Christmas day it rained all day and it was sunny on Boxing day. We had our Christmas turkey dinner at the club house and as usual there was alot to eat. On boxing day,December 26th we awoke to 2 boxes left by our trailer. Our reaction was that someone had left their garbage on our site. It so happened that we had a meeting that morning at the club house ..the resident association ..to keep us up to date with all that is happening at the park. So I went up to the president and told him that someone had left their garbage on our site. He told me to report it to the office which I decided to do after the meeting. Before the meeting was over, one of the resident named Dick came to the microphone and said " We have some Canadian residents in our park who are celebrating a holiday that isn't celebrated in the states. This holiday is called Boxing Day and the reason it is called Boxing Day is that it is the day the Canadians box their gifts and return them. To make things easier for us he has placed boxes on all Canadian sites." Needless to say there was alot of laughter including myself. So the enclosed picture show one of the boxes.
On new Year's Eve , we went a dance at the club house and enjoyed ourselves. Today ,January 1st it is raining and it is warm.
On December 26th in the afternoon until December28 in the afternoon, Stew's daughter and her family--Shell,Chris, Kandace ,Kor and Craig stopped by and visited with us . They were on the way to Fort Lauderdale , Fl. to go on a cruise. It was great to see them. We shopped and went for Strawberry shortcake at Plant City.
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